(310) 644-4902 hello@4CCM.org

Homeless Count by Service Planning Area (SPA)

There are tens of thousands of our neighbors in Los Angeles who are homeless youth and families, veterans of the armed forces, and men and women.


  • Total: 63706
  • Unsheltered: 46090
  • Sheltered: 17616
  • Individuals: 51221 (adults in households with no children under 18)
  • Family Members: 12416 (all households with one child under 18 and one adult over 18)
  • Unoccupied Minors: 69 (all households with under 18 members and no adults over 18)


  • Total: 56257
  • Unsheltered: 42471
  • Sheltered: 13768
  • Individuals: 47744 (adults in households with no children under 18)
  • Family Members: 8447 (all households with one child under 18 and one adult over 18)
  • Unoccupied Minors: 66 (all households with under 18 members and no adults over 18)


  • Total: 49955
  • Unsheltered: 37570
  • Sheltered: 12385
  • Individuals: 42016 (adults in households with no children under 18)
  • Family Members: 7876 (all households with one child under 18 and one adult over 18)
  • Unoccupied Minors: 63 (all households with under 18 members and no adults over 18)

Data is a critical tool for shaping the homeless services system to combat homelessness. Homelessness is not a static or uniform experience, collecting data about the numbers and characteristics of those people experiencing homelessness helps us best understand and serve this vulnerable population.

Have you ever needed a second chance?

You can give someone the hope they need for a life of recovery.


(Data exclude cities of Long Beach, Pasadena and Glendale)



(Data includes cities of Long Beach, Pasadena, and Glendale)

lahsa.org/documents?id=4692-2020-greater-los-angeles-homeless-count-total-point-in-time-homeless-population-by-geographic-areas (2/3/2021)

lahsa.org/documents?id=4698-2020-homeless-count-la-county-data-summary (7/30/2020)