Now more than ever it seems we need to ask ourselves: “Who is my neighbor?”
The deep economic and social divides in our country have become even more serious, with the pandemic hurting millions of our neighbors in our local communities and throughout the United States.
Families and relationships have been painfully impacted due to extreme ideologies, giving way to anger, fear, and tragic loss of life. Fundamental disagreements on a correct world view has given way to anger, fear, hate, violence, and death. This vast gulf within our national community threatens to destabilize our economy and society. In the eyes of many, friend has become traitor and neighbor has become an enemy. Never has it been more important to take urgent action.
With our community’s need for help, there is no better time for us to reflect on the story of The Good Samaritan.
A lawyer very asks for a description of who his neighbor is. He wanted a metric so he could decide who was or was not his neighbor. In response, the lawyer is given the story of the Good Samaritan.
In this story, a Jewish traveler encountered bandits on his journey, and was beaten and left to die along the side of the road. Two pillars of the Jewish community – a priest and a Levite – pass him by and ignored the traveler, who was a member of their community: a neighbor. Then, a Samaritan encounters the traveler. The Samaritans and Jewish people hated one another; however, the Samaritan helped the injured traveler, bandaged his wounds and paid for him to get cared for.
After this story the lawyer was asked, “Who was a neighbor to the traveler?” The question is phrased from the traveler’s perspective, which implies being a good neighbor is based on the actions of the people who meet him on the road. And, the lawyer answers that the good neighbor is the heartfelt person who showed mercy, love, and compassion.
The call to action is on each one of us to be a good neighbor by showing mercy and love to everyone we meet, regardless of their beliefs, values, or ways of life.
Join our Facebook Group to continue the conversation!
Christ-Centered Ministries will be celebrating “Who Is My Neighbor?” – a community collaboration and giving campaign. By joining us for the GivingTuesday movement, you’re proving generosity for one’s neighbor can bring the whole world together.
Here is how you can get ready for the big day:
Connect with Christ-Centered Ministries and keep updated on the work we do through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Join us in conversations and build a movement to make the world and the lives of our neighbors better.
Encourage your friends and family to join you in creating real impact on December 1st by sharing what our mission means to you and why you support Christ-Centered Ministries!
Make sure to use hashtag #GivingTuesday and #4CCM.
On Tuesday, December 1st, go to our donations page and choose which method you prefer!
Together We Give.